Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good and Evil

Okay, time for my last blog of the week. It's about the concept of Good Vs. Evil. First of all I'd like to ask you, what is 'Good' and what is 'Evil'? Good is generically thought of as being: nice, heroic, courageous, giving, and honest; where evil is generally the opposite. My question is,"Is it just you?" See, that's us looking at the conflict from the "Good" side, say we were looking at it from an "Evil" side. Wouldn't the "bad" things we do be "good"? This whole concept of good versus evil is really all about your perspective on the way things happen, all about who the protagonist is. 

1 comment:

Deshanky. said...

Good and Evil are married, did you know that? Good needs Evil to be good. And Evil needs Good to make it evil. I schooled you AGAIN!