Monday, December 1, 2008

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Ah, yes, the classical game of Rock, Paper and Scissors. This in my opinion is a very simple game game; a game that is much too simple to be amazingly fun. I do, however, have a solution thanks to the comedy show "The Big Bang Theory" the theoretical physicist Sheldon Cooper developed a new version to the game,"Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock." This game now has five choices which allows the players more options to call upon meaning less ties and a more complex game. Here are the rules: Rock beats scissors and lizard, Paper beats rock and Spock, Scissors beats lizard and paper, Lizard beats paper and Spock, and Spock beats rock and scissors. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Violence (in video games)

Now, I disapprove of real life violence with a passion. I try to do everything I can not to be violent in real life. Alas when it comes to videogames I really couldn't care less, in certain situations. Here are some examples when in game violence doesn't phase me. Games like Halo, Call of Duty and such are games where the point of the game is to be violent, there are no morally trying situations here, because it's the point of the game to shoot things. And now for games where violence does phase me, Fable and KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) now these games are different, these are games where you can choose to be good or evil and depending on what you do you become one or the other. Now in these games, there are SEVERAL morally challenging situations, in Fable 2 for instance there is a situation where you need to choose between, lots of innocent people, family members or incredible wealth for yourself. This was a very hard choice for me because each choice also had a consequence. For one I'd have to kill a very dear pet, another I'd have to kill thousands and the last would be I kill both. It was a very hard choice. Anyways, all that I'm saying is that, just because you play violent games doesn't mean you enjoy violence in real life.

Bad Moods

Grr, bad moods really suck. Like I said in my last post I was really angry, and anger is a very bad emotion sometimes. In this case, I was incredibly close to treating another gamer the exact same way I was treated, I managed to stop myself and everything was well after I chilled out. Sometimes, a bad mood can really get the better of you.

Video Games

I'm really freaking pissed off right now. I'm playing a game all innocent-like and some hater online is griefing me! Now let me explain, griefing when used as a game term means to constantly annoy, insult, attack or just flat out anger another player. In this case he was insulting me. I understand that when you're losing at a game, you get sore sometimes, I completely understand that, I do it too, but when it gets to the point of childish name calling I get a little mad. He called me several names that I don't want to put into the blog, but they were bad. I just wish sometimes, that people weren't jerks or just had a less colorful vocabulary.

Monday, November 17, 2008


So, I've recently heard a term that I don't quite agree with,"Ignorance is bliss." I disagree with this statement because, if you're ignorant of the murderer sneaking up behind you, I doubt you'll be blissful within the next few moments after he stabs you in the back. Now, of course I know this refers to more political issues like global warming, pollution, natural disasters, epidemics and the democratic issues we have today. Well, you know, I don't think being ignorant of those topics leads you to be very blissful either. Most, if not all, of them can get you or others killed for said ignorance. In my opinion people should be a bit more involved with the problems of the world, although it's somewhat depressing to know the truth, guess what; the truth hurts sometimes. That's life. So, if you believe in the saying "Ignorance is bliss" go ahead, I'm just saying, sometimes ignorance makes the bliss very short lived. 


Now, the way I see it there are three and a half types of relationships between a couple. There is the "Just Friends" in which you're buddies and you hang out occasionally and such, there's a "Boyfriend/Girlfriend" stage in which comes the hand holding and other signs of affection are shared between the two, and the most over-looked, in my opinion, is the "Friend with Benefits" stage. Now, I've seen the "Friends" stage and the "Boyfriend/Girlfriend" stage very often, so often in fact it's just a second-natured sight to me, but I've also noticed there's a lack of "Fw/B" relationships between people here's why I think is the reason why. First of all, if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, I doubt they would like you sharing affectionate acts with another boy or girl, that much is obvious. Second, I've noticed several bad words go around about these couples; words that share a homonymic relation with a gardening tool. And lastly, the constant and annoying question of,"Are you two going out?" When the answer is 'no' eight hundred times a day, I can see why people don't go the route. That's my rant about relationships, tune in next time!

Ambiguous Situations

Now, when you're reading a book and the author leaves a cliff hanger or ambiguity, it's fun and suspenseful and you can't wait to see what happens next. In real life on the other hand, it just gets on my nerves. When somebody tells you I have a secret and don't tell you, ever, it's just aggravating. I understand when your just messing around and you tell them after a few minutes of begging, but when you say things like,"I have a secret and I'm  not gonna tell you what it is!" It makes me want to punch you in the face and make you tell me. Now, I'll never do that literally, but I get the urge to. Now, there's another thing when you NEED something to be ambiguous,"Wow, guess what's in the Mystery Meat." That is something most people want to know, other things like what they did with their significant other and how you need to go to the bathroom, not many people need to know those things. What you do or need to do should stay to yourself. 

Monday, November 10, 2008


Okay, so I found a flier that essentially told people how to order coffee. No lies, it literally had steps like,"Find a Starbucks near you." Okay, I understand the need to tell people how to do things like constructing shelves or desks and such, but this is ridiculous. It's stupid that companies are telling people how to do simple things like ordering coffee and what's even worse are the people that need these instructions to do everything, it's like they have no common sense or anything. Don't get me wrong, I need instructions sometimes too; but to order a drink? I'm pretty sure most people can order a drink without any help. 

Global Warming

In Chemistry, we're watching a video about Global Warming, a phenomenon where gases increase the size of the Ozone layer which keeps in more heat from the sun around the earth. This residual heat is now melting the polar ice caps and is a threat to most life on earth. This movie has informed me of information that I've never known about global warming. Things such as it will dramatically raise the water level of the oceans so that it will encompass quite a bit of land. I personally think that global warming is a threat, but not an immediate threat. Yes, it's something that could end the world as we know it, but this is still only a gradual effect that will only become critical over the next few decades. We still have time, no need to be bothering people like we're all going to die tomorrow. 

Monday, November 3, 2008


Why is it when a person criticizes a small group of people, others apply these criticisms to the whole culture based on a few observations. I'm going to use mexicans as an example. Some people think that all mexican people are really annoying, coming into america and stealing jobs, blah blah blah. This does not apply to mexicans as a whole, let's look into some things that Mexico and it's culture that positively impact the U.S. First of all, Mexican food is freaking amazing, and not the garbage that some of these american stores sell, I mean real mexican food. Next up, pinatas, I personally love the concept of beating something up and getting candy in return, this is genius. Lastly, the siestas, I love the idea of taking a nap in the afternoon, I tend to get weary after three o'clock, this concept needs to be made effective by law, immediately. Thank you Mexico for your great culture! Tengo gusto Candy!

Accidents At Home

Did you know that studies show that most accidents occur in your own home? I did, and do you want to know why? I find it funny that we're spending tax dollars on studies that point out the obvious. Well, since you spend most of your time at this "home" it's pretty likely that most accidents occur at a place where we spend most of our time. "The Bathroom is the room where most accidents occur in homes." Oh my goodness, a mostly tiled room that tends to get damp and slippery, ceramic objects jutting out of the walls, razor blades, electric devices hanging over sinks and bathtubs; this room is dangerous? "Well, the second most dangerous room in your home is the kitchen." Nah, a room filled with sharp utensils, stoves, toasters, other devices that get really hot is dangerous? I don't believe that for one second. I think we should focus our tax payer money on something less obvious and something more progressive, like education. 


Okay, so today after practice my mother dropped me off at 7-11 to get some milk and a lady was following behind me. I wanted to be polite and hold the door open for me, and guess what I got some four minute lecture on how she doesn't need a man to hold open a door for her and blah blah blah. At that point I wanted to just slam the door in her face, I was just trying to be polite! I wasn't implying that women are feeble and weak, I was just being nice. I really don't want to get garbage, for trying to be polite it's just messed up. 

Monday, October 20, 2008


I don't really mind smokers, however, there are things I dislike about some of the quitters. Now, for quitters, there are the quitters that actually quit and then there are the quitters that "have been trying to quit". Now, the smokers that actually quit, I like these people, they are strong, willful individuals and they should be applauded for quitting. The people who don't actually quit, should just realize they can't quit and stop taking out everything on non-smokers. I really hate this, if you want to quit, just do it. Now there are people who say,"You don't really know what they go through unless you are a smoker." So, you expect me to feel sorry for someone that got addicted to smoking a long time ago and didn't have the willpower to say no? I'm sorry, I just think that's unfair to those that have said no. 


I really like eating at restaurants. It's a very nice change from eating in the same old dining room all the time. However, there are some restaurants have some annoyances. Firstly there are the restaurants that feel the need to sing out of key and twisted versions of "Happy Birthday", I understand some people like it, but to me it's very embarrassing. Another thing is when there are people or children that are doing something obnoxious, it's very distracting and annoying. Finally, there are the things that are just incomplete, such as, when my mother asked for iced coffee and they brought a warm coffee and a cup of ice. That's not really iced coffee to me. I think there should be a system for paying at restaurants. Screaming child in the next booth, minus four dollars, incorrect orders, minus five dollars. This system would be so awesome, and it would make the dining experience you had worth as much as you paid. 


What I find strange about certain people is what they assume a band is like by their name. Take for instance, Disturbed. They are a religious band which focuses on things like: slavery, government choices, and other patriotic topics; yet because of the name people assume,"Oh that music's satanic or disturbing (no pun intended). This very much goes along with the saying,"don't judge a book by it's cover." Now, don't get me wrong, you are all entitled to listen to whatever you want, but don't assume that the music or the people that listen to it are satanic or evil and what not. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Family Heirloom

Sadly, there is not family heirloom that runs in my family. This is only to my current knowledge; I have no idea what's in store for the future. I do however have a family tradition that's passed down. It's organizing a "Family Picnic". We've had one every year and soon, my sister and I will have to be organizing it. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The one significant quote form reading so far was "Courage. You live but my soul has been dead for a long time now. It died so as to serve our dead."
My analysis of this quote is that, Antigone believed that her life was complete by helping bury her brother, Eteocles.  By burying her brother completing her life, her soul had died and she was trying to rid herself of the body holding her back from her brother. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Media

Has anyone noticed some of the junk on the media sites? Oh boy, golf, what to do before you die, hot gossip. Has anyone else noticed that not much has been said about crisis' around the world? There's been no talk of other cultures being starved to death or how people are dying to diseases? Now, I realize that some of this stuff is interesting to some people, but shouldn't we be worrying about how other people are doing instead of where is Brittany Spears now? Even now if you go to "" majority of the links are gossip, sports, the elections and money. Again, I'm not saying these are worthless, uninteresting or useless stories, but where's the link where you find out what's really going on in the world? 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My First Post

I believe that the book "King Dork" was very hackneyed. The main character was always facing similar mysteries and that by the end of the book I was enthralled by the conclusion of them. It was, however, very close to a normal high school life. With the exception of the several conspiracies, murders and attempts on the main character's life.