Monday, April 27, 2009

Moviebook Haters

The friend I mentioned in my last blog was also arguing with me about how the book is better than the movie. When I asked him why he said,"The movie lacks scenes and events that the book has as well as you can hear the thoughts and feelings of the characters in the book." My response to that is,"Duh!" Of course you can't hear the thoughts of characters unless the director specifically put those thoughts in. The scenes that the movies lacks are usually necessary cuts so the movie can go at a "movie pace" instead of a "book pace" if the movie were to include every piece of dialog, thoughts, and events that the book had it would be a very long movie. Besides the point, if you wanted to know every last detail about the story, go ahead read the book. Movies aren't supposed to be accurate, they're supposed to be exaggerated and appealing to the eyes and ears. Some movies don't accomplish either, I get that, but if you want to read the book read the book, but leave the people that like watching the movies alone. 

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