Saturday, March 28, 2009

God and the Big Bang

Doing my research project, I found many amazingly good sources of information on the Big Bang and on one of these sources I found an amusing and very simplified way to described the beginning of the universe. 

In the beginning, before the divine and impenetrable 10^-43 (ten the negative forty-third power) seconds, God was stuck in Nirvana in an ocean of qunatic vacuity. He was hihtly bored with so much luminous perfection . From wrath, he exploded with rage and with his superforce created the Universe.

Then, preaching of Grand Unification, he decided to make some noise with a supersonic big bang which he called Inflation. The Universe found itself with a trinity of divine forces governing a virtual ocean of phantom particles.

Next, weary of so much photonic immaturiality, God save the quarks...and the antiquarks! A titanic combat ensued between the divine quarks with their unlucky likenesses, the antiquarks.

Then God rendered the Universe more humble by creating the modest Leptons. He also added a humble and weak force to three others beset with a sin of pride.

To the aid of the four divine forces, the saintly quarks vanquished the satanic antiquarks. They could then unite in stronger hadronic trinities. 

Then the energetic tension of combat slowly dilated in a infinite expansion. The hadronic trinities united as prophets: of the loyal nuclei baptized "Hydrogen" and "Helium".

Finally, nuclei united with the beautiful Electrons (of the lepton family) forming the first atoms. 

I though this was very humorous and I hope you at least didn't think this was a waste of time. :P

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